How we can help

Clearer Conscience can help with the following services:
- Recycling collections from homes
- Recycling collections from apartment blocks
- Recycling collections from businesses
- Food waste & compostables collections from homes
- Food waste & compostables collections from apartment blocks
- Food waste & compostables collections from businesses
- Garden waste collections
- General waste collections from businesses
- Bin hire for events
- Bins for homes, apartment blocks and businesses
- Carbon reporting
- Environmental consulting services for zero waste
- Municipal registration and accreditation for businesses that produce waste
- Solar systems for homes, apartment blocks and businesses
Clearer Conscience makes your recycling and waste management easier, gives you more time and teaches you invaluable lessons about everyday materials, and we make sure local initiatives and worthy causes benefit.
We also make sure you are aligned with the City of Cape Town’s by-laws and ambitions.

Clearer Conscience is a registered B-BBEE Level Four Contributor rated 100% for its Procurement Level, and is accredited by the City of Cape Town as a Waste Service Provider.
We are members of:
- Institute of Waste Management of South Africa (IWMSA)
- Organics Recycling Association of South Africa (ORASA)