Highlights of 2021

2020 saw most recycling operations having to pause operations due to Stage 5 Lockdown regulations. Clearer Conscience was granted an Essential Services Provider Permit that ensured we could collect your recycling and store it until the facilities were open again. 2021 saw a significant increase both in the volumes we collected and the number of […]

We all need to recycle. Here’s why…

We all know we should try and take our own bags when we go shopping, right? But do we ever consider the irony of the packaging that our items are wrapped in? Online shopping and delivery services have seen huge growth during the coronavirus pandemic. Hopefully consumers have thought about the packaging that their purchases […]

Clearer Conscience: Recycling and greening education at schools

Clearer Conscience currently looks after the recycling efforts at several schools in and around Cape Town. We have also made presentations to pupils and hopefully this has given them greater insight into some of the concerns our environment is facing. But are school recycling initiatives enough? They certainly make recycling visible. In our experience since […]

Clearer Conscience: Cape Town recycling service uplifting worthy charities and causes

Andy Conder joins Tracey Lange to chat about the Cape Town recycling service, Clearer Conscience. They started in 2008 as a recycling collections service for homes, offices and work, commercial and industrial premises. There’s a lot of people in Cape Town that want to recycle and sadly there’s not curbside collections for everybody. Andy Conder, […]

Clearer Conscience recycling collections in Cape Town

  Monday 23rd August, 11:35, kfm 94.5, interview with the irrepressibleĀ Tracey Lange. Tune in to find out why recycling matters and what you can do about it. Clearer Conscience provides recycling collections in Cape Town as well as general waste management. Started in 2008 we are known as trustworthy, reliable, affordable and friendly.