Highlights of 2021

2020 saw most recycling operations having to pause operations due to Stage 5 Lockdown regulations. Clearer Conscience was granted an Essential Services Provider Permit that ensured we could collect your recycling and store it until the facilities were open again. 2021 saw a significant increase both in the volumes we collected and the number of […]
The Biodegradable vs Recycle Debate
Recently, Clearer Conscience enjoyed a lively conversation with Biodegradable Future about the strengths of biodegradable vs recycle approaches to addressing (especially plastic) pollution and waste. The tendency is to see recycling as more efficient than biodegradable products, but we suggest this is a long term view. We agreed that biodegradable additives to polymers could provide […]
Food Waste Collections in Cape Town by Clearer Conscience Recycling
We are glad to announce we will be starting residential food waste collections in October. We will collect ALL food waste except for flesh (cooked or uncooked) and bones. We will also collect paper tissues & towels. Simply have your compostable bags ready for us to collect on your regular collection day. Our teams are […]